Thursday, August 03, 2006

Cansei de Ser Sexy - Cansei de Ser Sexy

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Ramshackle....bonkers...uplifting...smutty...infectious...all terms which you could quite easily label Cansei de Ser Sexy, a Brazillian sextet who found their sound through trial and error (not really knowing how to do...well anything when they formed in 2003) and who came to prominence in Brazil, and then the wider world, through a Brazillian Myspace style networking group. Giving away songs free built up quite the buzz and it wasn't too long before Sub Pop snapped them up and unleashed their debut album around the globe.

So far, so Sandi Thom one might suspect, but CSS (the name is the Poruguese for "Tired Of Being Sexy) weren't ever expecting to "make it", they merely wanted to have fun. In fact they would readily admit that when they started they couldn't play "properly", but despite the fact that they now can play "properly" their sound hasn't lost any of the, some might say, nieve excitement that being in a band brings.

The end result is an album which, if not quite living up to the promise that the sublime Let's Make Love znd Listen to Death From Above suggested, is a wonderful slice of eccentric electro pop-punk rock. (You see, despite me trying to catergorise them, it's difficult to pin them down).

For instance how can you not love a band who's use of English as a second language means they can crank up the smut level "I can see how you're doing by looking in your pants", deconstruct Paris Hilton "I went to the bitch, the bitch was hot. She came to me and said, ‘Do you like the bitch, bitch" and create a song out of the phrase "CSS sucks" yet still retain a sense of tongue-in-cheek humour?

Yes, some of the album isn't all that hot, for instance I still can't get over Artbitch's "suck my arthole, lick my art-tits" lyrics, but the parts of it which are good are, well, really good. You'll not be able to resist dancing, and the lyrics will have you laughing as you do so. In a world where a lot of music seems planned and constructed to the Nth degree this, for the most part, is a joyous and riotous album which if it doesn't get your hips shaking, will get your head banging.

MATT'S PICKS - Lets Make Love & Listen To Death From Above, Music Is My Hot Hot Sex, Alala, Off The Hook

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