Friday, September 08, 2006

Voices of Animals and Men - The Young Knives

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The review in Q magazine had this lot pegged exactly. If Mark from Peep Show was in a band, this is what it would sound like. And if you know me, you know that's not a prospect to be unhappy about.

What makes it stand out from the chasing pack is that its, well, funny. Yes its got the angular and jerky tunes, but just when you're worrying that it is all, well, very "of the age" the qunitessentially English lyrics sneak up and tickle you to the extent that it's impossible not to smile when listening to the album.

Pureile as it may seem, the line "hot summer...what a bummer" makes me laugh everytime. "A salary, so you can smash the system from within, get yourself a promotion, then take the kids to the zoo for the weekend" is as funny.

The highlight in this sense is the wonderful single "She's Attracted To" which opens with the lines ""Who are these people? They are too stupid to be your real parents!" and gives us "you were screaming at your mum and I was punching your dad", which must be one of the greatest lines ever written.

It's not the only highlight though; The Decision and Weekends And Bleak Days were quality singles, but even they are outdone by the likes of Here Comes The Rumour Mill and In The Pink.

As you will suspect, "light-hearted" is more the order of the day with The Young Knives and they're all the better for it. Yes, you could argue it's just XTC for the new generation, but then I would ask you...what would be wrong with that?

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